Frequently asked questions.
What is the spiritual component like? Is there a program?
I have found that in the wilderness the best thing I can do is help create a space, and then get out of the way. Generally, at the beginning of the day (after breakfast) I will offer a guiding question and then invite everyone to find a space and to sit in silence for at least 5-8 minutes. For the rest of the day we will hike and talk freely or have more time of silence and contemplate the guiding question. After supper I remind the group of the morning question which we then discuss as a group, sharing as the participants feel comfortable. I also have readings and poems at the ready, but do not usually share them unless it seems right.
I’m not a Christian (or even a believer of anything), is this still for me?
Yes! My goal is not to push a specific doctrine or ideal but to meet you where you are in your journey. I believe that the wilderness has a way of opening us up to an experience of the “Holy Other,” and that we all experience and articulate that in our own way. I don’t want to tell you what that is supposed to look like but instead to journey with you on the way.
Who can go on these trips?
Unless it is specifically labeled (i.e. youth), trips are for adults of all ages. The diversity of trips speaks to the physical demands of the hike (advanced is the most physically challenging). Yet do not let the physical demands scare you. We’ve had adults of all ages and all abilities. When I know who is going, I craft and shape the trip to be appropriate to the abilities of participants. Note: if someone with mobility challenges is interested in a trip I am happy to work with you to find a way of making that happen.
Where do your trips happen?
Anywhere you want. While I live on the East Coast and will favor that part of the country, I am happy to meet you where you are. That means if you are in California, Kansas, Georgia, or anywhere else I will do the research and find a trip that is within five hours of your location. Note, the price will increase if I have to travel, but within reason.
What kind of gear/equipment do I need?
When you sign up for a trip I will send you a packing list. Basically, you are responsible for clothing, sleeping bag/pad, tent, and backpack. I have items that I can rent to you at below market rate, or I can work with you to find something affordable to rent/buy.
What do you eat?
Meals normally start with pasta, rice, or grain with added nuts, meats, vegetables, and seasonings. Lunches typically involve cheese and crackers, tuna fish with cheese, peanut butter and jelly, or something else. Breakfasts tend to be oatmeal or hash browns. Of course, I will work with any and all dietary restrictions. It is backpacking food, but some of the best backpacking food you will have!
Where do you sleep?
Depending on where we are we sleep in tents or lean-to shelters
What if there is an emergency?
I always leave a hiking plan with someone at home who will know where we hope to be. I also hike with a personal locator beacon (SPOT Emergency System) that sends to the at-home person a message and location when we start the day and when we are done with the day. In addition, there is an emergency SOS button on the locator beacon that will activate the local emergency response team. While I hike with a cell phone (mostly for pictures), it is not reliable.
What if I cannot afford the price?
Talk to me. There are possibilities for scholarships on an individual basis.
Are there other ways to support what you do?
While I do not accept donations (I am not a 501c3) there is a non-profit organization that I encourage people to consider for donations. Wilderness Ways accepts donations for outdoor ministries and to offer scholarships and donations to various organizations such as this one (but not only this one). By giving a donation to Wilderness Ways you will be supporting various organizations and individuals the encourage wilderness experiences.
What is the question that I am not thinking of right now…
Reach out to me via e-mail if with all of your questions!